Our story

Where we started

Our story began where most of yours did. Working 14-hour days in the property management industry, cursing the inefficiencies of the various disparate tools and systems we were forced to use.

Frustrated with being held hostage by the total lack of customer-centric software solutions, we decided to do something about it. And WeconnectU was born.

Where we are

Our journey wasn’t easy. Blazing a new trail in an age-old industry never is. But we’ve learned that by focussing on our customers, listening to their complex challenges, and responding with user-friendly solutions, transformation can be as natural as breathing.

Today, we can proudly say we offer the only end-to-end property management software ecosystem in the country. It’s used by thousands of property professionals every day, adding tangible value to their lives and businesses.

Where we're going

Have we achieved our dreams? Not yet!

Our ultimate goal is to help build a more resilient, sustainable and professional property management industry, where you are paid for the value you add.

We really want to help you fall in love with your business all over again. We’ll keep pushing the limits so that you don’t have to, and together we’ll build a better tomorrow.

Our leadership team

Driven by passion. Guided by experience.
Johann van der Merwe
Managing Director
Danie van der Merwe
Director, Solutions Management
Schalk van der Merwe
Director, Sales & Marketing
Tobie van der Merwe
Business Development Manager
Jean Joubert
Product Manager - RAMS
JP Pretorius
Product Manager - RedRabbit
Alida Louw
Product Owner - RAMS
Maritza Botha
Product Manager - CMS

Our vision

Helping you grow the business you love.

We see a company that helps shape the future of property management.

We see a shared purpose in the pursuit of excellence.

We see value that keeps growing through customer-led development.

We see a supportive environment for personal and professional growth.

Our values

The foundations we build on.


We see our WeconnectU family share life in the pursuit of a worthy purpose. We create an environment for growth where you develop as a person to become the best version of you.


We believe in our customers. Solving their challenges is the reason for our existence. Their success is the bullseye on our target.


We believe in going above and beyond expectations. Excellence is in our DNA. Impossible is not part of our vocabulary.


We believe in taking full responsibility, accountability, and initiative. Excellence means nothing without trust.


We believe in dreamers who help us shape the future of property management through continuous innovation and ongoing improvement.

Upgrade to WeconnectU

Let us help you grow the business you love.
Your world is about to get a whole lot simpler.