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Industry Insight
July 25, 2024
July 26, 2024
From Rugby to Property Management
In 2023, the Springboks achieved a historic feat by clinching their fourth Rugby World Cup title, becoming the first team to achieve such a milestone. Their journey, chronicled in Season 1 and 2 of "Chasing the Sun," serves as an inspiration for teams worldwide. What makes the Springboks such an exceptional team goes beyond their victories; it's about their approach to winning. However, their success wasn't immediate. Reflecting on the 2015 Rugby World Cup, where South Africa faced a humiliating defeat to Japan, and ultimately, a failed world cup campaign, reveals the team's journey wasn't always smooth. Yet, bold leadership from Rassie Erasmus and Jacques Nienaber transformed the team from underdogs to champions. How did they do it and what can we learn from them?
Industry Insight
July 16, 2024
July 16, 2024
How to Transform Your Rental Property Management into Strategic Asset Management
Transforming rental property management into asset management isn't just about marketing; it's a profound shift that unlocks new levels of financial potential. Imagine gaining insights into property as a dynamic asset class—where capital growth, steady yields, and strategic leveraging converge to maximise returns. This article explores how this evolution can redefine your role, enhance investor outcomes, and propel your business forward in today's competitive market.
Industry Insight
June 26, 2024
June 26, 2024
Showcasing your value: 5 things Property Investors actually care about
Choosing the right real estate agent to manage a rental property (or properties) is a significant decision for investors. By understanding the factors that influence this decision, and aligning your service proposal accordingly, it’s possible to position yourself as a top-tier contender. Perhaps even more importantly, by taking the time to understand what investors value most, it becomes possible to ensure your business messaging consistently highlights your successes in these areas. This makes it far easier for investors to recognise and appreciate your value, and far more likely that they’ll be willing to pay fair fees as a result.
Industry Insight
May 21, 2024
May 21, 2024
The power (and pitfalls) of compliance for rental professionals
Compliance in the rental property industry is no laughing matter. The Financial Intelligence Centre Act (FICA), the Rental Housing Act, the Property Practitioners Act, the Consumer Protection Act (CPA) and the Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act (PIE) all add significantly to rental asset managers’ workload. And the penalties for falling short of total compliance range from serious fines to jail time. Despite the sizable increase in risk and workload that compliance has added to rental property management in recent years, very few rental management businesses are receiving proportionately higher compensation. Understandably, this – together with its fiddly and time-consuming nature – has made compliance one of the industry’s least favourite responsibilities.
Industry Insight
May 10, 2024
May 10, 2024
Defending your Digital Frontier: Cybersecurity Risk Management Strategies
Last year, South Africa was ranked 5th on security company Surfshark’s global cybercrime density list. Only the UK, US, Canada and Australia experienced higher numbers of successful cyberattacks. For property professionals handling large amounts of sensitive information – an attractive target for attackers – this is a concerning statistic. Is your organisation properly prepared to defend its digital frontier? In this whitepaper, we’ll explore where the greatest cybersecurity risks lie, what you can do to shore up your defences, and why your risk management strategy needs to involve far more than just technology.
Industry Insight
April 29, 2024
April 29, 2024
The smart (and easy) approach to value-adding maintenance management
In previous articles, we’ve touched on the importance of rental inspections and their ability to act as a doorway to more effective maintenance management. Today, we’re diving into a little more detail on why maintenance management, itself, is such a powerful value-add, and why getting this service right can be both easy for you and game-changing for your investors.
Industry Insight
April 22, 2024
April 23, 2024
Customer experience: the future of rental asset management
The rental property industry is not a new one. People have been renting homes and business premises for literal centuries. As a result, most people are very familiar with the rental process. Unfortunately for rental managers, this means their services are frequently underestimated, underappreciated, and (very often) underpaid. A big part of the problem is that there are countless agencies out there offering the same rental management services: placing tenants, managing tenancies, and handling basic financials. As essential as these are to a successful rental investment, they’re not service differentiators and they don’t help anyone stand out of the crowd. So, what can rental asset managers do to make customers sit up and take notice of the considerable value they add? The key lies in focussing on customer experience.
Industry Insight
March 25, 2024
March 25, 2024
How to use “flanking” to improve Community Managers’ value and profits
While community management has flourished in recent years, one serious challenge has continued to plague the industry: narrow profit margins. Complexity has skyrocketed, driving effort levels up exponentially – and yet costs per unit have consistently lagged well behind this effort curve. As a result, more and more community managers are struggling to deliver the service quality their clients expect without completely eroding their entire profit margins.
Industry Insight
March 18, 2024
March 19, 2024
Mastering Community Management - Gaining the Competitive Edge
South Africa’s community management industry is highly competitive. Achieving consistent growth and success requires a razor-sharp competitive edge. Of course, finding and honing that edge isn’t always easy. It takes a deep understanding of your operations’ strengths and weaknesses – and tools and processes primed for agility – to successfully evolve your business for optimal performance.
Community Schemes
January 16, 2024
February 22, 2024
WeconnectU is surging ahead in 2024 – don’t get left behind!
At WeconnectU, 2024 started off just the way we like it – with a bang! We officially onboarded our 500th client to our Rental Asset Management Solution, and our 900th client to RedRabbit – our fully integrated Inspections and Maintenance solution. These successes followed closely on the back of some incredible international recognition in 2023, which included our win in the Best Property Management Software (South Africa) category of the highly respected – and extremely competitive – Technology Innovator Awards

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